Sunday, June 22, 2008

Why I Blog: The First Post

The Blogosphere has ballooned over the past years. Mega-blog search engine Technocrati tracks blog traffic and the interconnectedness of the blog references. As of December 2007, Technocratic has tracked over "112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media." About 175,000 new weblogs are created each day, more than 2 blogs are created each second of each day, and a blog will receive about 18.6 posts per second, according to Technocrati's 2006 State of the Blogosphere report. So what's the purpose of being one of millions of bloggers? Why add another voice to a world where too many people seem to have a lot of say but never really accomplish anything? The short version: because I can. The real reason? I believe what James Madison wrote in Federalist #10; that the best way to reduce the negative effects of factions and special interest groups (lobbyists, media outlets, corporate advertising, political groups, etc) is to have many of them. With such diversity of opinion, it is likely that no one blog, opinion, interest, or group will be able to dominate discussions to the degree that alternative viewpoints lose their ability to challenge the norm. I blog because I think I can provide insight into the current social/political/economic landscape and the shortsightedness of the MainStream Media's (MSM's) focus on what their corporate sponsors want them to focus on to get better ratings. I'll call them like I see them, and I'll focus on the things that matter to the American people and the youth of this nation.